Richmond County Democratic Committee (RCDC) Bylaws 

View bylaws in PDF here.



1.1 Organizational Name 

1.1.1 The name of this organization shall be the Richmond County Democratic  Committee, hereafter referred to as “the Committee” or “RCDC.” All members,  officers, and subdivisions of the Committee are subject to these Bylaws and to the  Charter and Bylaws of the State Committee of the Democratic Party of Georgia,  hereafter referred to as the “State Committee” or “DPG,” and the Democratic  National Committee, hereafter referred to as the “DNC.” 



2.1 Duties of the Committee shall be: 

2.1.1 To elect State Committee members in compliance with State Committee Bylaws,  Article II, Section 1. 

2.1.2 To determine Party Districts and Apportionment as directed by State Committee  Bylaws, Article VII, Section 1, and to file changes with the State Party Chair and the  Richmond County Board of Elections, if not provided first by the State Committee 

2.1.3 To promote the development of Party organizations and activities 2.1.4 To seek and encourage qualified candidates for public office 

2.1.5 To support Democratic nominees 

2.1.6 To perform such primary and election functions as required by law 2.1.7 To maintain appropriate records 

2.1.8 To promote and add logistical support to the State Affirmative Action Program 2.1.9 To raise funds for the above purposes, and 

2.1.10 To perform such other duties as may be required by the State Committee.


Membership and Party Districts 

3.1 County Apportionment Plan 

3.1.1 District lines shall coincide with Richmond County Commission Districts 1 through  8 with 15 members elected from each Commission District for a total elected  Committee membership of 120. 

There will be 3 members in reserve from each district who may be kept in reserve  for filling vacancies.  

3.2 Challenges to the County Apportionment Plan 

3.2.1 Challenges must be made in accordance with State Committee Bylaws Article VII,  Section 2. 

3.3 Members Qualifications 

3.3.1 All members, including Ex Officio and Emeriti, must be registered to vote in  Richmond County. 

3.3.2 All members of the Committee will be registered electors of the Commission District  from which they are elected.  

3.3.3 All new members will complete an affidavit attesting that they are Democrats and  will support the Democratic Party. 

3.4 Designation of Posts and Terms 

3.4.1 The Committee shall designate one half of the elected Committee Posts to be elected  in Gubernatorial election years and one half to be elected in Presidential election  years. 

3.4.2 Committee members shall take office on the first day of the first month after their  election. 

3.4.3 Elected Committee members shall serve 4-year terms except where terms are  affected by reapportionment, in which case all terms shall be terminated. 

3.5 Election Procedure 

3.5.1 Post-holders will be elected by party district caucus. The time, place, and method of  the caucus shall be set by the Executive Committee. 

3.5.2 Voters may only elect post-holders from their own commission district. 

3.6 Ex Officio Members 

3.6.1 The Committee shall also include as voting members, members of the State  Committee, the Democratic National Committee, and the Congressional District  Chair who reside in and are registered to vote in Richmond County. 

3.6.2 Additional Ex Officio Members of the Committee, if applicable, shall be the elected  Democratic officials residing in Richmond County.

3.6.3 One Ex Officio member representing any affiliate recognized by the DPG with a  duly recognized chapter chartered in Richmond County may also be included.  

3.7 Richmond County Board of Elections Members 

3.7.1 The Board of Elections requires two Democratic representatives who are appointed  by the Chair with the approval of the Executive Committee. The representatives  serve a four-year term and can be reappointed for a second four-year term. 

3.7.2 The Chairperson’s selection shall be announced to the RCDC at the next General  Meeting. 

3.7.3 Members selected to serve on the Richmond County Board of Elections shall be able  to meet all the commitments and requirements to serve as a representative. 

3.8 Emeritus Members 

3.8.1 The Executive Committee may submit names of members who have longstanding active membership to the County Committee to be elected to Emeritus status. 3.8.2 Election to Emeritus status will be by simple majority of members present at the  meeting in which the names are submitted. 

3.8.3 Such Emeritus members shall be full voting members but shall be exempt from dues  and any other obligations of Committee membership. 

3.9 Dues 

3.9.1 The Executive Committee is empowered to set reasonable dues for membership. 3.9.2 Dues shall be payable in January of each year. 

3.9.3 No member will be denied participation for failure to pay membership dues. 

3.10 Ineligibility of Membership 

3.10.1 If post-holders move out of Richmond County, their post will be considered vacant. 3.10.2 If post-holders move to another commission district, their post will be considered  vacant, but they may fill a vacancy in accordance with Article X of these Bylaws. 3.10.3 If post-holders are absent, without notice, from three consecutive general body  meetings, the Membership Committee will send a letter requesting an update on  their continuing membership, if a response is not received by the next general body  meeting, their post will be considered vacant.  

3.10.4 Any move must be reported within 60 days. The Membership Committee is  required to maintain a system to monitor and assure membership status. 

3.11 Caucus Groups 

3.11.1 There shall be caucus groups as defined and recognized by the DPG and the  Richmond County Democratic Committee.  

3.11.2 Members may propose the formation of a caucus to the Executive Committee for  approval. 

3.11.3 The RCDC shall approve the establishment of a Caucus by a majority of votes at a  Regular Meeting.

3.11.4 Each Caucus shall elect a Chair, a Vice-Chair, and a Secretary by the first meeting  of the County Committee after its formation. Only members of the Caucus may vote  or run for a Caucus office. 

3.11.5 The Caucus groups fall under the direction and leadership of an assigned Vice  Chairperson. 


Election of Officers and Executive Committee Duties 

4.1 Officers 

4.1.1 The RCDC shall elect from its membership a Chairperson, five Vice Chairpersons, a Secretary, and a Treasurer. When possible, at least one of the Vice-Chairs shall be  of the opposite gender of the Chair. The person receiving the majority of votes for  election to an office shall be declared elected.  

4.1.2 The RCDC shall elect officers no later than December 31 of even numbered years,  to take office January 1 of the following year. The new chair shall, immediately  upon taking office, notify the State Committee Chair and appropriate Congressional  District Chair of the election. 

4.1.3 The Officers shall serve 2-year terms. 

4.2 Chairperson 

4.2.1 The Chairperson will preside at all meetings and shall have general supervision of  all the affairs of the Committee. The Chairperson may call meetings of the whole  Committee or any Sub-committee, when required. 

4.2.2 The Chairperson will be an Ex-Officio member of all standing committees. The  Chairperson will exercise all and singular duties usually expected of a chief  executive officer. 

4.2.3 The Chairperson may establish any other committees as deemed necessary to  conduct the business of the Party. 

4.2.4 The Chair will appoint an Assistant Secretary, Assistant Treasurer,  Parliamentarian, Chaplain, and Sergeant at Arms to assist the Executive Committee  in its duties. 

4.2.5 In the absence of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson will preside at the meetings  in the following order: First Vice Chairperson, Second Vice Chairperson, Third  Vice Chairperson, Fourth Vice Chairperson, and Fifth Vice Chairperson. 

4.3 Vice-Chairpersons 

4.3.1 First Vice-Chairperson – Acts as Chairperson of the Finance Committee and has  oversight responsibilities for the Ways and Means Committee. Is responsible for  making sure a liability insurance policy is current to cover all Executive Committee  members, if necessary.

4.3.2 Second Vice-Chairperson – Is responsible for making sure the Affirmative Action and Membership Committees are active and for Committee Members’ training and  readiness. Will keep an accurate, updated list of all members in coordination with  the Membership Committee. Acts as Chairperson of the Membership Committee.  Will also keep records of the expiration of terms to include when someone is filling  an unexpired term. 

4.3.3 Third Vice-Chairperson – Is responsible for making sure the Political Action and  Publicity/Public Relations Committees are active. Is responsible for brochures,  leaflets, web and social media, and serves as Editor-In-Chief for contents. Serves as  the Public Relations Officer. 

4.3.4 Fourth-Vice Chair and Chair for Voters Registration, Participation, and Precinct  Development – Is responsible for Get-Out-The-Vote Outreach and organizing in  commission districts and precincts and candidate recruitment. 

4.3.5 Fifth-Vice Chair for Events and Special Projects – Is responsible for organizing  events, ensuring participation at community events, the monthly Leon Meyer  breakfast, and the annual Walt Williams Appreciation Breakfast. 

4.4 Secretary 

4.4.1 The Secretary will keep the minutes of all public business meetings of the RCDC  and the Executive Committee. 

4.4.2 Will provide a copy of RCDC’s minutes to members at regular meetings. 4.4.3 Will attend generally to the correspondence of the Committee. 4.4.4 Will attest the signature of the Chairperson on all credentials and certificates if  required. 

4.4.5 Will assist the Membership Chairperson in maintaining an accurate list of all  members. 

4.5 Assistant Secretary 

4.5.1 Will assist the Secretary in any phase of duties as requested. 

4.5.2 Will preside at the meetings in the absence of the Secretary. 

4.6 Treasurer 

4.6.1 Will issue receipts for all monies collected, make deposit of the same in the bank in  Richmond County, Georgia, insured by the FDIC, to the credit of the RCDC  account. 

4.6.2 Checks will be issued only for a receipt showing the cost and purpose of the  expenditure, with the proper signatures. Under normal conditions, all expenditures  will be approved by the Executive Committee through a budgetary process. All  expenditures above $500 will be approved by the County Committee. 

4.6.3 If funds up to $1,000.00 are needed between meetings for emergencies, expenditures  may be approved by the Chairperson and the Executive Committee. 

4.6.4 The Treasurer is authorized to sign all checks. If for any reason, the Treasurer is  unable to perform this duty, the following persons are authorized to sign checks:  Assistant Treasurer, Chairperson, and First Vice-Chairperson. All expenses over  $500 will require two signatures. 

4.6.5 Financial reports, including bank statements, will be prepared and distributed to all  Executive Committee members at their meetings. Oral reports shall be made to the  General Committee from time to time. The Treasurer will serve as a member of the  Finance Committee. 

4.6.6 At the end of each term of office, there will be an audit conducted by the Finance  Committee and a report made to the whole Committee. All records, transfer of  funds, and supplies will be done with a smooth, expedient transition. 

4.7 Assistant Treasurer 

4.7.1 Will assist the Treasurer in any phase of duties as requested. 

4.7.2 Will preside at the meetings in the absence of the Treasurer 

4.7.3 Will serve as a member of the Finance Committee. 

4.8 Chaplain 

4.8.1 Ensures that all meetings are opened with appropriate interfaith readings and/or  prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag. 

4.9 Parliamentarian 

4.9.1 Ensures that order is maintained at all meetings in accordance with the current  edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. 

4.9.2 Ensures that Bylaws, Rules of Conduct, and other policies and procedures are  executed in the manner specified. 

4.10 Sergeant at Arms 

4.10.1 Is responsible for maintaining security and decorum at all public meetings and  special events. The Sergeant at Arms will aid in the organization of special events. 4.10.2 Along with the Chairperson, provide for outside enforcement and security if  necessary. 

4.10.3 Along with the Parliamentarian, ensures that Bylaws, Rules of Conduct, and other  policies are executed in the manner specified. 

4.11 Chairperson – Emeritus 

4.11.1 Requires at least 8 years of consecutive service as the Chair of the Committee. 4.11.2 Is the most recent former Chairperson of the RCDC and will have all rights as a  member in good status. 

4.11.3 Acts in any capacity as set forth by the Chairperson, Executive Committee, and or  the RCDC Committee.

4.11.4 Represents the Committee at all capacities as set forth by the Chairperson and or  the Committee. 

4.11.5 Is not subject to any attendance requirements. 

4.11.6 In addition to the Chairperson, may serve on any local, regional, national, and state  committees as deemed required for continuation. 

4.11.7 Serves on the Publicity/Public Relations Committee. 

4.12 The Executive Committee 

4.12.1 The Executive Committee shall be responsible for the conduct of the affairs of  RCDC in accordance with the policies of the State Committee and DNC. The  Executive Committee shall establish its own rules and, when convened by the  Chairperson, may meet, in person, by telephone, or by written note, including email  and facsimile. 

4.12.2 All unelected or otherwise appointed officers or positions of the Committee and all  members of subcommittees shall serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson unless  otherwise provided in these Bylaws. 


Election Duties 

5.1 Poll Officers 

5.1.1 In accordance with Georgia Election Code and State Committee Bylaws, Article  VII, Section 7, poll officers to conduct primaries and elections shall be  recommended by the Chair to the Richmond County Board of Elections. 5.2 Poll Watchers 

5.2.1 In accordance with Georgia Election Code and State Committee Bylaws, Article  VII, Section 7, two official poll watchers may be designated by the Chair for each  precinct for each election. 


Committee Functions, Records and Certification 

6.1 Maintaining Records 

6.1.1 The Committee shall maintain records of all financial transactions, kept on a  calendar year basis, and a list of unpaid obligations. Financial records shall be  audited each year with a report provided to the Committee no later than the March  meeting following the end of the organization year. 

6.1.2 Reports of financial status will be made at each County Committee meeting. An  annual report will be submitted to the State Democratic Party as well as the State  Ethics Commission when required.

6.2 Filing of Records 

6.2.1 The Committee shall report directly to the State Committee Chair and shall file as  required, the documentation necessary to obtain and maintain certification by the  State Committee. Such filing shall be in accordance with State Committee Bylaws,  Article VII, Section 7.6. 

6.2.2 The list of members, officers, and current Bylaws shall be filed with the Richmond  County Board of Elections by January 31 of each year or following the elections of  members and/or officers. Updated lists must be filed with the Richmond County  Board of Elections within sixty (60) days. 

6.2.3 Three copies of the Bylaws and Officers’ names will be delivered to the Board of  Elections for its stamp. One copy will remain with the Board of Elections; one copy  will remain with the County party; one copy will be filed with the State Party. An  electronic copy featuring the stamp of the county Board of Elections will be  forwarded to the Congressional District Chair. 


Meetings and Voting 

7.1 Meeting Requirements 

7.1.1 The Executive Committee shall meet regularly at least once each quarter to  establish an agenda for the regular Committee meeting and to transact other  business in the Committee’s interest. 

7.1.2 Regular Meetings. The Committee shall meet regularly at least once each quarter. 7.1.3 Special meetings may be called by the Committee Chair. Where or when meetings  are not held in a previously designated time and place, all members shall be  provided written notice at least 10 days in advance. 

7.1.4 Emergency Meetings. Emergency meetings may be called within 5 days’ notice upon  approval of the Executive Committee. 

7.1.5 Quorum. A quorum for conduct of Committee business shall be at least 25 percent  of the post-holders, unless otherwise required in these Bylaws. 

7.1.6 Voting. No person shall be entitled to more than one vote. Voting by proxy is not  permitted. Secret ballot shall be permissible only when electing Committee  members and State Convention Delegates in accordance with State Committee  Bylaws, Article 1, Section 4.  

7.1.7 All meetings shall be open to the public unless the Committee votes to go into  Executive Session as provided in State Committee Bylaws, Article I, Section 4. 7.1.8 Unless otherwise provided, Robert’s Rules of Order, most recently revised, shall  govern the conduct of all meetings. 



8.1 Commission Districts 

8.1.1 Each Commission District (1-8) shall have a Commission District Captain, who shall  be appointed by the Chairperson and serve at the pleasure of the Chairperson. 8.1.2 The Commission District Captains have responsibility for execution of the  grassroots efforts within their own district. Responsibilities include conducting  appropriate Voter Registration, Get Out the Vote events, assisting with candidate  recruitment, filling post-seats, and community education and outreach, in  consultation with the assigned Field Director of the State Committee. 8.1.3 The Commission District Captains shall chair their own Commission District  Committees. 

8.2 Standing Committees 

8.2.1 The Committee shall provide for the following standing committees: Finance, Ways  and Means, Membership, Affirmative Action, Publicity/Public Relations, Political  Action, District and Precinct Development, Candidate Recruitment, and Events. The Finance Committee shall have responsibility for creating an annual budget for  RCDC and overseeing finances throughout the year. The Ways and Means Committee shall have responsibility for raising funds for each  year and seeking contributions to continue the work of RCDC. The Membership Committee shall have responsibility for keeping an accurate list of  members, addressing member complaints, benevolence for members’ health and  welfare, and training members. The Affirmative Action Committee shall have responsibility for ensuring  compliance with DPG Bylaw 7.8. The Publicity/Public Relations Committee shall have responsibility for  communications with the public, management of web and social media, publicity,  and community education. The Political Action Committee shall have responsibility for organizing political action in favor of Democratic policies and outreach to community organizations and  constituency groups. The District and Precinct Development Committee shall have responsibility for get out-the-vote outreach, canvassing, and organizing in commission districts and  precincts. The Candidate Recruitment Committee shall have responsibility for vetting and  recruiting Democratic and Democratic-leaning candidates for public office. The Events Committee shall have responsibility for organizing events throughout  the year and ensuring Committee participation and representation at community  events and festivals.

8.3 Special Committees 

8.3.1 The Committee shall provide for the following special committees: Walt Williams  Appreciation Breakfast, Nominating, Bylaws, and Membership Judicial Review. The Walt Williams Appreciation Breakfast Committee shall convene in the first  quarter of each year to plan and conduct the annual Walt Williams Appreciation  Breakfast. The Nominating Committee shall convene in the fourth quarter of even-numbered  years and shall consist of eight district representatives elected from each of the eight  commission districts who shall have responsibility for reviewing applications to  become an elected officer of RCDC and making recommendations of candidates to  the county committee. The Bylaws Committee shall consist of the eight Commission District Captains and  shall have responsibility for updating and revising the Bylaws of RCDC when  convened by the Chair with the concurrence of the Executive Committee. The Membership Judicial Review Committee shall consist of the eight District  Captains, the Parliamentarian, and the First Vice Chair, the latter will chair the  committee. The RCDC Chair or the Executive Committee will request the meeting  of the committee. The committee will report to the Executive Committee. No  individual under investigation shall sit on the Membership Judicial Review  Committee. 

8.4 Ad Hoc Committees 

8.4.1 The Chair and the Executive Committee shall establish Ad-Hoc committees as  needed. 


State Committee Membership 

9.1 State Committee Membership Requirements 

9.1.1 Regular members of the State Committee shall be elected by County Committee  members. The number of members to be elected to the State Committee is according  to the population and based upon a formula that is determined by the State Party. 

9.1.2 A person does not have to be a member of the Committee to be elected to the State  Committee, but they must be registered to vote in Richmond County. 

9.1.3 State Committee members will be elected at either a regular meeting or one  specifically called for this purpose. 

9.1.4 The RCDC shall follow the rules and procedures of the Democratic Party of  Georgia for electing State Committee Members. 

9.1.5 Upon election, it is the responsibility of the State Committee member to attend all  called meetings of the State Committee.  

9.1.6 A State Committee member can be removed by the County Committee for cause in  accordance with Article XI of these Bylaws. 

9.1.7 All vacancies shall be filled by special election by the county committee members. 



10.1 Procedure for Filling Vacancies 

10.1.1 All vacancies in Committee posts or Officers may be filled by special election by the  Committee for the remaining term of office. 

10.1.2 Names of prospective Committee members or Officers shall be submitted in the  form of a nomination to the Secretary. 

10.1.3 Officer nominations will be evaluated by a three-person nominating committee  appointed by the Chair. Officer nominees will be approved by the Executive  Committee and voted on by the County Committee members. Candidates may also  be nominated from the floor during a special Officer election. 

10.1.4 Names of post-holder nominees shall be read at one meeting at which the nominees  are in attendance and voted on at the next meeting of the Committee at which the  nominees are in attendance by signed ballot. The Membership Committee shall  review applications to fill post-holder vacancies. Applications shall then be  submitted to the Executive Committee for final review. 


Removal Procedure 

11.1 Procedure for Removal 

11.1.1 Committee members and Officers may be removed by the Committee for cause,  with reasonable notice, and with the opportunity to be heard, by a 2/3 vote of the  Committee. All Committee members and Officers subject to removal from office  shall receive a written notice of the alleged reasons for removal. 

11.1.2 The removal procedure shall be conducted by the Membership Judicial Review  Committee as established in Section 8.3 of these Bylaws. The person subject to  removal shall have the right to be informed of all persons who will witness against  him/her and who will testify in support of the charges, at least 10 days before a  hearing on said charges before the full Committee. 

11.1.3 The person subject to removal shall have the right to counsel and to present  witnesses, documents and arguments. The Committee shall be afforded the same  right. 

11.1.4 The RCDC Executive Committee, out of necessity, can bar a member from  attending any meetings or organized functions until the Membership Judicial  Review Committee concludes its process. 

11.1.5 The RCDC Chairperson shall have the authority to eject and bar members from  any meetings or proceedings when immediate actions are warranted based on the  Current Edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. 



12.1 Reimbursement for Regular Meetings 

12.1.1 No member of the Committee shall receive compensation for or be reimbursed for  expenses in attending a regular or called Committee meeting. 


Candidate Endorsements, Prohibitions and Contributions 

13.1 Candidate Endorsements 

13.1.1 The RCDC and its members in their official capacity are explicitly prohibited from  supporting a Democratic candidate who has opposition during a primary or  Democratic opposition during a special election. Nor shall any Party members use  their office to support an opposed primary candidate or a candidate who has  Democratic opposition in a special election. 

13.1.2 The Committee is explicitly prohibited from supporting a Democratic candidate  who has opposition in a primary or special election, nor shall members use their office to support an opposed primary or special election candidate. 

13.1.3 No member shall publicly support another candidate other than the Democratic  nominee in a General election; provided, however, nothing herein shall prevent any  member from making any endorsement in a non-partisan election. 

13.2 Contributions 

13.2.1 The endorsement of, support of, or contribution to a candidate of another party or  to an opponent of the Democratic nominee may result in referral to the Membership  Judicial Review Committee. 

13.2.2 Any RCDC contributions made to a candidate who subsequently leaves the  Democratic Party will be handled in accordance with State Committee Bylaws,  Article I, Section 8. 


General Provisions 

14.1 Protection of Rights of the RCDC 

14.1.1 There shall be no discrimination in the conduct of Committee affairs since sex,  sexual orientation, gender identity, race, religion, color, disability, national origin,  or age. 

14.1.2 Bullying is not tolerated at any meeting, event or function sponsored by the  Committee or its representatives. 

14.1.3 The Committee may, by majority vote, adopt policies and procedures which serve to  clarify and do not conflict with these Bylaws.



15.1 Powers of the Democratic Party of Georgia 

15.1.1 Any action by the Richmond County Democratic Committee (RCDC) may be  reversed by a 2/3 majority vote of the membership of the State Executive  Committee, in accordance with State Committee Bylaws Article VII, Section 14., of  the DPG. 

15.1.2 The State Committee is required to communicate with the RCDC Executive  Committee regarding matters involving veto and organizational status. 



16.1 Procedures for Amending Bylaws 

16.1.1 RCDC members will be allowed at least ten (days) notices of proposed changes and  revisions to the Bylaws. 

16.1.2 These Bylaws may be amended at any Committee meeting. Voting on proposed  changes or revisions may be conducted by 2/3 majority vote of a quorum. Amendments to the Bylaws shall not require that members of the RCDC or the  officers, thereof, stand for election or re-election prior to the natural expiration of  their terms. In addition, no elections for newly created officers need to be held until  the next natural election time.  

Approved by the Richmond County Democratic Committee (RCDC) on September  19th, 2019.